October 3, 2012

Get in the know: Republic Act 10175 – Cybercrime Prevention Act

Fellow Filipinos, please read and be informed before passing judgment.

It is not a threat to our human rights. It is not to be feared, only if you have the propensity to commit criminal acts. Yes the law need to further enhance its parameters and amendments, yes it is not perfect; IT CAN BE PERFECTED to protect our human right to be who we are on CYBER SPACE without being stalked, defamed, or having our identities stolen for some obscure reason. Here are the criminal acts and see if YOUR rights are hindered:

1. Illegal access (akyat bahay gang in cyber space)

2. Illegal interception (snatchers in cyber space)

3. Data Interference (salisi gang in cyber space)

4. System Interference (destruction of private property)

5. Cybersex (QC circle and Q.Ave in cyber space)

6. Misuse of devices (your friendly neighborhood pirates and hackers; production and sale of something not yours is still STEALING)

7. Cyber-squatting (yes, there are squatters in cyberspace)

8. Computer-related Forgery (recto replicators of cyber space)

9. Computer-related Identity Theft (recto replicators of cyber space)

10. Child Pornography (cyber food for our sexual predators)

11. Unsolicited Commercial Communications (SPAMMING/ you have a choice not to watch infomercials on TV you should also have the right not to waste time with unsolicited sales)

12. Libel (journalists should always be unbiased and present the truth objectively)

Rebelling against this law is waving your right for protection leaving you wandering cyberspace with the feeling that someone is out there to get you.


  1. The law, with the exception of number 12, is indeed what is needed in the current state of the country's cyber environment. The thing is, you can't, dare I say shouldn't, hold someone criminally for what he has said online.

    I agree that we all must be mindful of what we say either online or offline, the way the article was written, even if what you said was not inherently libelous, if someone takes offense and files a suit against you, well, good luck with that! This covers everyone who uses the internet. The scope of this article is not even clearly defined. How about cross-continental, or cross-country defamation: how are you going to sue someone from America who posted something libelous against you? Is he even held accountable?

    This libel thing is a very archaic law. It should be struck out even from the original constitution. It doesn't serve any purpose but to make a big fuss about someone who offended you by telling others you have bad breath.

    With great power comes great responsibility. I know that. But netizens adhere to their own code of conduct. Don't let legislators who have no idea how things go on in the internet make rules that don't apply.

  2. libel

    1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander, which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity (like a newspaper, magazine or political organization) open to a lawsuit for damages by the person who can prove the statement about him/her was a lie. Its only LIBEL if the intention is to put to one to shame and publicly ridicule a specified individual. This can be very well averted by presenting truths unbiasedly.

  3. Hindi porket magaling kang mag english matalino ka na. Read and absorb.


  4. that article states that there is no clear definition for libel stipulated, can i sue you now for cyber libel? like what i said-- not perfect but can be perfected. the other crimes are just and is in effect in other countries. i know of a filipino spammer whose facebook account was shut down for spamming. i am as guilty as the next person; its common knowledge why some crimes in this new law were added.

  5. that article states that there is no clear definition for libel stipulated, can i sue you now for cyber libel? like what i said-- not perfect but can be perfected. the other crimes are just and is in effect in other countries. i know of a filipino spammer whose facebook account was shut down for spamming. i am as guilty as the next person; its common knowledge why some crimes in this new law were added.
