September 2, 2011


Okay, after we have accepted the fact that change is everywhere, what do we do next? We ADAPT. To adapt means to adjust to different conditions; new environment; to modify for a different purpose.

We have been told to adapt to change multiple times, but what does it really mean to adapt?

Ask yourself what are the things that you can control, the things that are out of your influence and the things that cannot be moved. We need to find out the things that we can address in order for us to create Action Plans that will help us in this transition. Also, we need to assess those that are out of our scope for us to find alternatives that can help in the progress. Last, we need to acknowledge the things that we cannot change nor move, in this way, we can better position our Action Plans as we create them.

Yes, much like what we used to do in Bio Class. We dissect the change and the things that will get affected by it. We take a closer look into the things that are changing, the things that has already changed, and the things that might change in the future. We also look into the things that may stay the same for the moment and the things that we cannot move.

In the process, we may have uncovered several deficiencies that needs to be addressed. May it be a will issue or a skill issue, to adapt is to make essential changes that will address these. If it is a skill issue-- then get trained; if it is a will issue-- motivate!

Create a checklist of the implementations and label them according to their importance and urgency. In this way, we can determine which goes first.

When everything is ready to be put in place, nothing else to do but REMOVE the things that are not needed.

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