October 3, 2011


In Bible Leadership school, I had my first encounter with creating exhortations in one of our classes. The assignment was about Galatians 5:22-23, the Fruits of the Spirit. Each person in the class was to take on one of the fruits and I was given "Kindness" 

I have been compelled to share it here; hopefully, we start a trend of God's loving kindness.

This is a little of what I wrote back then, and a little of me now:

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control.
 Galatians 5:22-23

 “I am the vine, and you are the branches” (John 15:5)
Fruits will not appear out of nowhere nor branches produce fruits on their own. We bear these fruit as we are connected to the vine.

Kindness is the TRADEMARK
Kindness was mentioned in Genesis at least 20 times paired with love, that is the first book in the Bible alone. All through out the Bible we see God's actions were all motivated by His love which is translated to His kindness.

Apple trees will never bear pears. If the vine moves in His loving kindness, it just logical that those who are connected to Him will bear the same fruits.  People will know who we are connected to by the fruits that we bear and how we interact with those around us.

Are we mirroring this unselfish loving kindness to others or are we merely doing these things to appease our ulterior motives?

Kindness is a TRANSLATION
Kindness is the physical translation of UNCONDITIONAL love, It is LOVE with it's work boots on. We are kind because we love and not the other way around. If we have love in our hearts, we cannot help but be kind. We are kind not because we want to be loved in return of our kindness, but we are kind because we are filled to the overflowing with God's love and our love for those He loves. Just as our actions have no impact on God's love for us, so shall others actions be to ours.

As unconditional the love is, so shall the kindness be. We do things not because we expect those around us do the same for us too. No one is asking you to be kind, kindness should be the outward expression of the love you have in your heart.

We may never know how much our kindness affects those around us,  but they would know. It may not be a big thing to you, but to them it might mean the world.

I remember this story about Al. After a productive week at work, he decided to reward himself with a meal at an expensive restaurant. He came without a reservation and the only seats available were at the bar. He chose a seat beside a man who appeared to be withdrawn and did not want to be bothered. Al started talking to the man and eventually broke his shell. What started to be small talk lasted for two hours and they ended with exchanging business cards. Few days after, the same man came into Al's office thanking him. Turns out, the taciturn man planned to kill himself hours before they met, and decided to have his last meal at an expensive restaurant.

Kindness is the result of the love that we have been receiving from the vine, a kindness that is beyond human comprehension.  Never miss out a chance to share this love to others that there would be a continuous flow of God's loving kindness into the world.

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