August 26, 2011

Let It End With Me...

Today, there were uncontrollable circumstances causing me to delay getting ready for work. Oh well, there I go again--running late. In my rush to get to the office, I hailed the first cab that I saw and asked the cabbie to step on it.

After a mix of emotions and a roller coaster ride; I got to work in one piece, or so I thought. I realized that I just received another FAKE BILL (yes, this aint my first time to the ball!). Aurgh! Frustrated, I declared my disgust to those in the office and they quickly verified the situation.

The bill was raised against the light, crumpled, straightened, flattened, twisted, with hopes that I was just mistaken. Lo and behold, my assumption was correct, and I felt cold chills sliver down my spine. AGAIN! Ugh, who can you trust these days-- I said to myself. Then, suggestions of what to do and how to get rid of the fake bill flooded like an opened dam.

Use it at night, make sure the cabbie is sleepy so he wont notice. Buy something at a not well lit area (right, and risk life and limb). Give it to the bank... (uh... huh? I wonder how that would help). Amidst all the suggestions and the raised voices as to the best way to get rid of brain trailed off (as usuall-- there goes my ADHD again). I was dragged into further introspection as to what will happen next, if I do chose to use it. Who will get it? How will it affect them? I may not deserve what happened, but I do not think the next person does too. What if I stop the circulation? How will that affect the would be future victims? Hmm...

My finances comes from noone else but the Provider. He knows what I need before I ask for it. I cannot be selfish and just think of how it affects me, when there is a possibility than it can create more damage in someone else's life.

I chose not to.
It stops with me.
This ends here.

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